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Try Partnered Prayer - 5 Minutes Per Day / 40 Days - Your Life Will Change!

How Do We Start Praying Together?

“Picture yourself with a loving granddad over a cup of tea and a biscuit for a daily chat.”
(XIV introduction)


(pg. 67 40DPC book)

  1. In prayer don’t try to be someone you’re not, using fancy biblical terms. Just try to make it a real conversation between you, your partner, and God.
  1. When you come before God in prayer, why not start by acknowledging His presence, the same way you might begin a telephone call with your earthly grandparent. Perhaps you’d say, “Good Morning Father;” “Good Evening God …”; or, simply, “Hello God, it’s us.”
  1. Be still. God desires to be at the center of your life. So, shut off the TV and silence your phone; go to a quiet place. In His Word He advises: Be still, and know that I am God.[1]
  1. How do you get good at praying together? Do you recall the old joke about the man walking down the street in New York; a guy asks, “How do I get to Carnegie Hall?” The man says, “Practice!”


In the same manner, you can become a virtuoso of prayer; the more you practice the better you get, the more comfortable you feel speaking out loud to God; and the easier it becomes to know what to say when you chat with Him.

God will do amazing things when you reach out to Him in prayer. Just go ahead and try it!

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[1] Psalms 46:11